Burger patty
Recipe suggestion:

Burger Patty from Textured Insect Protein (TIP)

Textured insect proteins are a game-changer, serving as an alternative or extension for meat products like burger patties. These proteins elevate the nutritional profile of products while maintaining the flavors and textures we love.

Attempt to prepare a burger that is:

  • Protein-rich
  • Traditional meat-free
  • Planet-friendly
  • Rich in flavour
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To prepare hydrated textured insect protein:
Water (85-95°C temperature)
2 parts
Dry textured insect protein (TIP)
1 part
To prepare burger patty:
Hydrated textured insect protein (TIP)
48-48.5 %
~0.5 %
Black pepper powder
~0.1 %
0.5-1 %
1.5-2 %
2-2.5 %
2-2.5 %
2.5-3 %
4-4.5 %
To prepare binding mass:
Cold water
78 -82 %
Rapeseed oil
17 -18 %
2-2,5 %


1.To hydrate the textured insect protein, pour 85-95°C water over the textured protein in a container in a ratio of 1:2. Leave it to hydrate for 15 minutes, then mix thoroughly and leave it to hydrate again for another 15 minutes. Drain excess water through a strainer if necessary.
2. Mix in the spices into the hydrated TIP, then add the remaining burger patty ingredients: mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, startch, and beetroot. Use a slow mixer to ensure all components are thoroughly combined.
3. In a separate container, combine methylcellulose with rapeseed oil, mixing until a fine paste is achieved. Gradually add cold water to the mixture, continuing to mix in a slow mixer until the binding mass is homogeneous.
4. Integrate the prepared burger patty mixture with the binding mass. Ensure even distribution by mixing well.
5. Place the combined mixture in the refrigerator and allow it to rest for 30 minutes.
6. Shape the mixture into burger patties of the desired size. Once formed, freeze the patties until ready for use.
7. Cook the patties directly from the freezer, either on a pan or grill. There is no need to defrost them beforehand.

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